Review of The Worshiping Artist by Rory Noland

worshiping-artist.jpgI really enjoyed reading The Worshiping Artist. Rory’s Scripture-rich explanations about worship and praise are clear and compelling. The Biblical emphasis on specific expressions to praise were refreshing to read, since few books on worship address those properly (if at all). Especially helpful and insightful were his three questions and chapters: Who is God, Who am I, and What is God inviting me to do? Wonderfully typical in his writings, Rory begins with a modern-day, easy-to-relate-to story, then lists several group questions, followed by the explanatory material, which makes up the bulk of each chapter. I didn’t quite get what he was trying to communicate in the last chapter on icons. However, there is plenty of quality material in the first nine chapters to offset any potential uncertainties in the last one! I highly recommend this book to worship teams and lead worshipers!

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