How to Develop Your Worship Team to Be True Ministers

ministry-toolboxThe following article by Dwayne was featured this week on and in Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox. This article is part of the Building Strong Worshipers series, presented by in partnership with Next Level Worship.


Our goal for church musicians and worship teams should be that they become ministers through music. It isn’t enough to be good musicians or great performers. Worship teams need to minister.

Ministers through music have some excellent and unique characteristics. Imagine a worship team who’s passionate about what they’re doing, with a clear sense of their calling; they are faithful to practice, they’re full of integrity, and they clearly exhibit a servant heart toward God and others. What pastor or worship leader wouldn’t want a platform full of people like that! Sound too good to be true? It’s not! Conveniently, every one of these qualities comes along quite naturally as a result of one all-important process called spiritual growth.

The good news is it’s not up to us to change people. That’s God’s job. The powerful message of 2 Corinthians 3:18 is that we are being transformed: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes the Lord, who is the Spirit” (TNIV). According to Hebrews 12:2, Jesus is both the author and the finisher of our faith. Our responsibility then, first and foremost, is to intercedefor those in our worship ministries, asking our great God to grow them and transform them in His time and in His way.

1. Exemplify

Along with praying for them, there are a few other responsibilities we have as church leaders to help our teams grow spiritually. First off, we have to model the qualities and characteristics we hope to see in those we lead. Are we enthusiastic as we lead from the stage? If not, then what right do we have to tell others to be? Do we show up with a smile and an upbeat attitude each week for rehearsals? Can others sense our passion for God and for those He loves? That kind of passion will contagiously “rub off” on your ministry team if they see it first in you.

If we want our worship and production teams to be faithful and committed to growing, then once again we must set the example before them. That may sound obvious, but apparently not all worship leaders realize it. For example, one worship leader told me he was “leading” his choir through my Pure Praise study, but he didn’t understand why some of his choir members weren’t participating. I wondered too—until he let something slip which cleared up the mystery for me. He admitted he wasn’t doing the study himself. He just didn’t “have time for it.” No wonder some of his people weren’t going through it. He wasn’t out front leading the way. His team didn’t see their leader placing a priority on personal growth, so why should they?

Go to to read the rest of this article by Dwayne.

1 Comment

  • Rev. Ken Galyean

    Dwayne, always good reminder that we cant lead where we are not going. As we prepare to be together in Zambia next week, I pray our hearts will be in tune with the Lord so that He may lead us as we seek to lead others in this country where much of what you have shared will be so relevant to our overall leadership goals. Kingdom Mindset, Heart after the Lord, Making Disciples, Empowering Youth, Women and building children’s ministry teams. Praying and looking forward to being together. Blessings my friend

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