Limitless Freedom in Christ Has Its Boundaries

Several months ago I came upon the idea that as Christians we should “stay inside our box,” the box God has given to us. I am just now beginning to develop this concept as God shows me clear direction in His Word. During my quiet time yesterday (as I go through the book of Joshua in my quiet times) the Lord brought this idea of boundaries into full focus with me.

I would love to hear your ideas and comments about this unusual – yet I believe clearly scriptural – principle of boundaries in our lives. Thanks! – Dwayne

Below is an excerpt from yesterday’s quiet time. Go here to read my entire journal entry from that quiet time.

Text: Joshua 14-15 Theme: God gave specific boundaries to His children. Key verses: “Now these are the areas the Israelites received as an inheritance in the land of Canaan…Their inheritances were assigned by lot to the nine-and-a-half tribes, as the Lord had commanded through Moses.” (v. 1-2) …“The eastern boundary is the Salt Sea…The northern boundary started from the bay of the sea at the mouth of the Jordan. (v. 5) “The western boundary is the coastline…In accordance with the Lord’s command to him, Joshua gave to Caleb…a portion in Judah…” (v. 12-13) What God said to me: Son, this is a very simple but profound concept. There are supernatural boundary lines that I have placed in your life and the lives of your family. This is not a popular topic. My people enjoy the thought of limitless freedom – and so they should. What they must remember at all times, however, is that their limitless freedom is confined within the barriers of obedience and surrender to me… (Read entire journal entry)


  • praisingpreacher

    This is an interesting concept. I would love to see this post developed. Are you talking only about the boundaries of holiness and righteous living or are there other “boundaries” placed in our lives by God? If so, what are some examples of these boundaries?

    This is a captivating thought because the general rule in the world today (and this belief has infiltrated the church) is that we must “get out of the box”. You are saying that we must “stay in the box”. I look forward to more discussion on this topic.

  • Administrator

    Thanks for your comments. While we certainly have boundaries of holiness and behavior, “staying in our box” means much more than that. I believe God has made each of us for a unique and special service. Thus, there are areas of activity – even ministry – that we are NOT designed for. For example, during my first year in full-time evangelism back in my mid-20s God made very clear to me that I was not to be a “concert artist.” I was to focus on leading others in worship period. Honestly, at the time I wasn’t too happy with that boundary line God had dropped into my life. But looking back I can see how knowing that helped save me from a lot of wasted time and energy pursuing something I wasn’t really “cut-out” to do or supposed to do. I believe that may be what David had in mind when he said, “The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.” (Psalm 16:6)

  • praisingpreacher

    I believe I see what you are saying, but if this is the case then how does this fit in with the Prayer of Jabez and the whole “enlarge your boundaries” concept that is so popular?

  • Administrator

    I still have much study to do in this. But I will say that I have never completely bought in to the popular interpretation of the Jabez prayer. Unfortunately I think many people have taken that prayer too far. Yes, God wants to bless us and use us far beyond what we can think or imagine. But he is still the potter. We are merely the clay in his hands. He has shaped us and therefore knows where to place us in order to best accomplish his purposes on this earth. Within his calling and direction in our lives, we need to pray for expanded opportunities and creativity. However, as he makes clear to us where he has not called us and is not directing us, we need to submit to his perfect and sovereign will and plan for us.

  • praisingpreacher

    Okay. I am willing to admit that the Prayer of Jabez may lean a bit toward a prosperity mentality. But still everyone says, “Get outside of the box!” You are saying that we must stay in the box. This is a thought provoking idea. What you are saying seems to go “against the current” of many of the teachings out there! I wonder if anyone else would care to weigh in on this issue?

  • AgapePreacher

    I have watched this post develop over the past few days with great interest. First of all allow me to say that I do not agree with the popular interpretation of the Jabez prayer. I feel that the prayer has been taken out of context and used to further the false teaching that God guarantees wealth and prosperity for His children.

    The idea of “staying inside your box” is fresh. I too believe that it has merit in the Scriptures. After all God declared in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you” – [this is] the LORD’s declaration – “plans for [your] welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope (HCSB).”

    Dwayne, I want to encourage you to develop this thought and expand on it. I believe it is a relevant message that is very much needed in today’s “get out of the box” church.

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