Personal Evaluation of the 5 Necessary Elements

There are 5 necessary elements in order for a worship gathering to be most effective. They are:

  1. Prayer
  2. Planned Spontenaity
  3. Pliableness
  4. Power of the Spirit
  5. Pastoral Direction

All five of these should be present every time the saints gather to worship. These Biblical elements are explained and studied in detail during Week 5 of my worship study, Praise More Powerful. You can also hear a live recording where I taught these 5 elements at a worship conference recently.

What every choir member, praise team and orchestra member and production person must understand is this: All of us who assist in the worship service are worship leaders. And to lead we must be out in the front setting the example. If we are to expect our worship services to have these 5 necessary elements, we as individual believers and leaders must possess and embrace these elements as well. That is what I try to stress any time I stand before music ministers, choirs and praise leaders at conferences and seminars.

One tool I use to help individuals see how they are doing is a Personal Assessment I put together. Of course, to fully appreciate this impact of this, one needs to go through the teaching in my worship study of the 5 necessary elements. However, I’ve included a link below that allows you to download this assessment for yourself and/or your worship leaders. Prayerfully, using this assessment may act as a catylist to cause your group to want to grow in these areas!

Blessings! – Dwayne

Personal Assessment of the 5 Elements1.pdf

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