A 6th Grader Is Changed by Reading “Pure Praise for Youth”

My pastor’s wife just called me. She wanted me to know what her son did tonight. She said, “Dwayne, he stood in front of the mirror, looked at himself and said, ‘Timothy, you will live the rest of your life for God.'”

As soon as I heard those words, I knew exactly what Timothy had been doing. He had just done the final day of my six-week Bible study, Pure Praise for Youth. In that lesson I challenge students to do the same thing I did when I was in 6th grade –stand before a mirror, recite the words Timothy spoke, and nail down forever their resolve to follow Jesus and worship him to the end.

Randy, Timothy’s dad, had told me how he came home a few weeks ago to find his son “devouring” one of the first lessons of the study. Randy said he had filled up the space in the book allowed for journaling and even spilled into the margins! Since then Timothy stayed consistent with each daily devotional reading, only missing a couple days here and there.

Here’s the kicker: Timothy is only 11 years old.

Tonight Timothy’s mom called to let me know Timothy had finished the study. “I think what meant the most to him were your personal stories of when you were a kid. I just wanted you to know what an impact your study has made on my son.”

I pray thousands of students stand before mirrors in the future, committing their lives to Christ after having read Pure Praise for Youth. But even if they don’t, even if no one else were to read my book, Timothy’s decision alone made all the hours of work on writing and editing worth while!

So thankful and humbled…


To order Pure Praise for Youth for an individual student or a youth or college group, please visit www.NextLevelWorship.com/store.


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