Community Member Spotlight: Henry Muteneka
Founding pastor of Trinity Church in Chongwe, Zambia
Vice President of the Baptist Convention of Zambia
By Savannah Cone
Women, youth, children and congregational worship takes place at Trinity Church in Chongwe, Zambia. Henry believes musical worship is an integral part of every worship service experience. Henry has the honor of serving as the pastor at Trinity Church in Chongwe, Zambia and also serves as the Vice President of the Baptist Convention of Zambia. Since getting involved with Next Level Worship International, he says, “we have been able to understand our worship in a biblical way.” Henry strives for excellence in preparation and is passionate to see discipleship among his congregation.
Generational Worship
Henry’s lively Sunday morning encourages the use of music to bring all generations together. Every service includes a time for children, youth, and women to lead in musical worship. Henry values these moments and as they prepare for these services, he finds it of utmost importance to “keep time” or to stay on schedule. After every Sunday morning service, Henry and his team gather and prepare for next week’s worship gathering. It is important to him that his team plans on a weekly basis like this to keep the Holy Spirit involved in their decisions and direction. Before the next Sunday arrives, each group leading in musical worship will prepare by rehearsing together.
Congregational Discipleship
“Discipleship can be an area we all feel inadequate to do, but God shows up and helps us.” Currently, Trinity Church has four village churches spread across the region. Henry is intentional in visiting these churches and teaching in them at least once a week to help these congregations to grow spiritually. Henry is very appreciative of NLWI’s many bible study materials and uses them to help grow his teams and congregation. Henry believes the best way to bring spiritual growth is by being a humble leader whom his congregation wants to follow, in his words, “I lead as a humble servant of the Lord, always listening for His direction.”
Join them in Prayer
Henry is passionate about feeling for the orphans in their region, and prays God would continue to bless their ministry with the resources to continue this feeding ministry. Also, continue to pray that Henry would be able to rally pastors and leaders in their area to come be a part of the NLWI Intensive School in August of 2022. Henry is excited to be a part of this Intensive school and prayerfully seeks other leaders to be encouraged to attend.
Henry Muteneka is the senior pastor at Trinity Church in Changwe, Zambia. He also serves as the Vice President of the Baptist Convention of Zambia.
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