Worship Is a Bowl of Noodles Book Endorsement

Worship Is a Bowl of NoodlesDennis Prince recently mailed us a copy of his new book, Worship is a Bowl of Noodles (2008, RCM Publications, Australia). I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this fascinating book, and I count it a privilege to endorse it enthusiastically.

Worship Is a Bowl of Noodles is a much needed resource for every person who plans worship sets and selects the songs each week. Far too many worship leaders and pastors tend to choose songs for their congregations based more on the songs’ popularity or the appropriateness or “coolness” of the musical style, rather than on the scriptural and doctrinal accuracy of the songs’ lyrics. Dennis Prince gives simple and powerful tools that can help us analyze the songs we sing and then choose those that best edify the Body of Christ and glorify the Lord. I highly recommend this book!

~Dwayne Moore, author of Pure Praise

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