Building Habits of Lifestyle Worship

Complete the form below to get started today on your Worship Habits Plan!

How it works: Rick Warren says: “Discipleship is basically replacing our old habits with new ones.” It can take up to 40 days to form a new habit.

Our team at NLWI has put together a habit-building plan to help deepen your daily worship. It's based on the Greatest Commandment of loving God and others. We are to love Him with our whole heart (spiritually), mind (intellectually), soul (emotionally), and strength (physically), and we are love our neighbors as our ourselves (relationally).

We want to help you form good habits of worship in all 5 areas of your life!

Please complete the form below to get started today. We'll send you encouraging reminder emails if you request them. We want to help you grow in your worship of our awesome God!

Try not to choose more than one habit to build in each category. It's best not to overload yourself with too much at one time.

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