Africa Mission Trip ’23
Africa Trip Recap ’23
By dwayne moore
Earlier this month we had the privilege to minister in two countries on the African continent: Uganda first, and then Zimbabwe. Our amazing team included 25 US members and 10 international members, along with 5 NLWI country directors.
I would like try to capture in a few paragraphs the overwhelming impact that, for many through this trip, will last a lifetime…
I’m thinking in particular about Chalise, a worship leader in Zimbabwe. She came up to me at the end of our Intensive School and said, “Thank you. My life will never be the same.” I’m thinking about Pastor Wilson in Uganda. He said, “I’m so relieved you’ve come to help us. This is what we need. This is what we’ve been missing in our churches.”
Then, there are those little children who came to our Worship Bible Schools. They jumped and cheered as our vans pulled up into their humble villages, and they cried and clung to the teachers as we left. They were shown genuine love from our teams–Christ’s love. They heard the Gospel, and they were taught about true worship of our great God. No doubt, they will never forget what they experienced at our Bible Schools. Many of them will trust Christ as their Savior because of the seeds our NLW teams planted.
We are a disciple-making ministry, and by His grace, we are helping people follow Christ all over the world.
You see, Next Level Worship International is more than about music. We are a not-for-profit ministry that goes wherever the need is, that trains church leaders, no matter how remote their location may be or how much money they may or may not have. We go wherever God leads us, to help His children know and love Him more and to help His Church reach their communities with the love of Jesus.
I could tell you we taught over 1000 pastors, worship leaders, and laymen on this mission. I could tell you we trained more than 250 children’s workers. I could estimate the number of kids we reached–2100 at least, and that’s a conservative number. But what I can’t tell you is each person’s name. As much as our teams try to get to know them individually, we simply don’t have the human capacity required for that many people. But, I know Someone who does. Everyone we saw and ministered to is known by God and created in His image. Each of those precious souls is loved by Him. Every one of them matters to Him. And therefore, they matter to us.
We are a disciple-making ministry, and by His grace, we are helping people follow Christ all over the world. Will you join arms with us? Will you partner with us? Invest your life, your finances, your time and prayers, to help Next Level Worship International? Of course, only God can put it on your heart to give or go or both.
Regardless of what you choose to do, we won’t stop. We’re on a mission for the King. My hope is that you’ll prayerfully consider joining this most worthy cause–for His glory alone.
Dwayne Moore is a best-selling author and a sought-after, international speaker. He’s the founder and president of NLW International, Inc., a ministry committed to providing quality worship discipleship resources to believers and churches.
Dwayne has written many books, including the award-winning book, Pure Praise: A Heart-focused Bible Study on Worship. His latest resources are HE. WE. THEY. The Life-Altering Formula of the Lord’s Prayer and HE. WE. THEY. A Church-wide Prayer Campaign. Other books include Creating Space, Pure Praise for Youth (foreword by Mark Hall of Casting Crowns), Heaven’s Praise: Hearing God Say Well Done, WorshipLife Journal, Building Strong Worship Leaders, and the church-wide campaign, WorshipLife: Honoring God in the Everyday .
Dwayne lives in north Alabama and is happily married to Sonia. They have 2 sons, Stephen and Justin.
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