Steve Fabian

Asia Ambassador-at-Large

I am blessed to be a part of NLWI and serve here as an Ambassador-at-Large in Asia. I work with this amazing team to help grow the NLW community and build connections in Asia. I got connected with NLWI as a worship coaching student. Through NLWI resources, I learned a lot about worship, which inspired me to be a minister through music and more than that. Since NLWI works to teach about worship and equip worshipers, I was excited to work with NLWI as it matched my vision of equipping and teaching people about true worship. Worship music is my passion, and I write songs and produce music for worship. Besides this, I also work for Bible translation and serve in my local church as a youth leader.

I live in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and I enjoy spending time with my family and friends here. In my free time, I enjoy watching movies and shows, listening to music, and exploring Biblical content. One of my favorite Bible verses, by which I define my life, is Romans 11:36 “For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.”

Contact Details


25 March


Dhaka, Bangladesh

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