Lucy Muteneka

Zambia National Team

I have been a Christian for many years and I have been teaching the word of God to all age groups but did not fully understand what worship meant. In the year 2015 I was privileged to meet Dwayne Moore and Pastor Donald Kutala the current African director through the Baptist convention of Zambia leadership Rev. Zulu who was the president that time. I thank God that I was sponsored and trained. I now fully understand what worship means and I am able to share to many people. I have been part of NLW and I have trained over 6 000 people in worship.

God is speaking to me to train more people and to widows, orphans and prisoners. They need to know more about worship and to be taken care of because worship is more than music. I am a pastor’s wife and currently the women’s president for the Baptist convention women of Zambia.

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