Episode 2: Kanye West, C.S. Lewis, Worship Ministry (Podcast) 00:00:08 - 00:05:03 Hello everyone I'm doing more Oran- you are listening to the heart of worship podcast. We're glad you joined us as we talk about topics and tints worshippers and leaders. The Co host is Stephen Moore. Welcome back man. Yeah episode number two. I think so. I'm having fun yeah me too. I really enjoyed last week's conversation about the grammy. Nominations more out of touch than I wish. I'd hate to admit with that but now I'm a little but I think that's those conversations get us more in touch. Yeah catch us up so that was good. Can't hurt no discolor and how to pronounce some of these artists. Names mm sound on them but today we're going to talk about another topic out there. That's that's I mean. A lot of people are talking about this. Connie coffee coffee drinking. What are you what what did you do? You brought in a fancy pitcher looking thing. It was just a French Press. Just all all guys hold those so I just microwaved. You're not supposed to do that so no no it's fine Hogan it's fine yeah I'm really bad about mark waving coffee being meaning I might rise because you're a connoisseur of coffee. Having not is the thing I like. Will you give me life craft coffee because that's kind of like what what starting in the coffee. The first place I went to was a row street and of itself and its won awards and all this the junk a friend of ours. Cal Gordon one that got me on onto the stuff. First Cup of coffee I ever had was craft coffee and I do love it. I really enjoy a good cup of quality coffee but I can also drink love gas station coffee all day long and the total so wild to me. Yeah and in the same way. I'll I'll literally microwave one cup of coffee five times because I get sidetracked and forget finish it but don't want to drink it cold even a couple of times forgotten it in the microwave after microwave day and come back the next day like. Oh there's coffee not sound good to me okay. So the let me tell you what happened the tell tell our listeners. What happened today? We were in Atlanta. Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah. We walked over with my sister is in hospital. She's doing much better but we would sit there while so we took a break and we were looking for coughing and what we he did was on Thanksgiving Day. Nothing else opened but starbucks was open and we walked in and and the Liberals he said it. That's what it's actually I own. You're actually right but anyway we we. We supported them anyway and so all in the typical cinema not Allante and the guy said. Do you want that with reserve espresso. Like I don't know what that is and he all he. He was excited to tell me only place in the whole Southeast Reserve Espresso and then you order you order some kind of coffee and you got it you you got that. Yeah IT'S A. It's a brewing method called Siphon Siphon I didn't want Espresso because of what I was getting but you did you got it when the Siphon and the way they do it looks like a science experiment. Very cool I the stove. I has like the light underneath very through. What looks literally literally likes? What do they do it right in front of me? I mean you can you. Can you sit there and watch him do it. Yeah Yeah Yeah so it was a show. It was entertaining and it was probably the Best Cup of coffee from starbucks granted. So I'm glad because I paid sixty dollars for that. Thank you yeah. It One cup wasn't sixteen eighteen dollars. It was sixteen dollars. Whatever Hodel plus tax? I know my law. A included tax everywhere does not so much but anyway so so the point is that that you love great coffee but yet you'll go to the gas station. That didn't really make me feel better knowing that I spent six thousand dollars and you go. It's like one dollars two different kinds of drinks to me Okay it's sort of mindset. I mean you just walk in there thinking differently or what I mean. It's it's like one ordering coke and then another ordering Dr Pepper to me. They're not even they're not even really if the same thing. Well because of that different but that said obviously I don't mind either one. So how did we get off on coffee and then and then and drinking time microwave coffee is like drinking a flat coat. That's been sitting out for three days. No I'm just kidding. Well I don't drink coffee at all so I don't know we'll take a I'M A. I'm a dessert coffee so I don't understand you coffee connoisseurs. Oh I'm sorry you're not one but whatever you pour overs and you siphons sevens and all that I don't know about French Press. 00:05:03 - 00:10:14 I don't know but that's not what we're talking about. But but it was interesting conversation. I'll go with it. Yeah you seem to really enjoy can let you up a little bit. I did I did but what we are talking about is a current topic that a lot of people are talking talking about so. We're going to talk about hanes. Just Jerry Gonyea where we are. What about that guy? Well I I saw like recently that your friends got Dawson's having him in for his string saint conference as riot in January. Yeah which is crazy that it's happening in pigeon forge right Tennessee. Yes what's the venue that's GonNa hold that many people They actually yeah. It's it's not. Remember the name of a bitch huge. Obviously huge and and Scott will run. You'll have multiple services or sessions so pack cement. They'll have I don't know they're they're probably top out at nine or ten thousand and and here's what was happening is amazing. He texted me the other day. He said you won't believe it. He said we're having one hundred churches per Our try to get into the conference once he announced Connie was coming. Soon as announcement went out. That's jumped up okay. So there is a minimum wage in. Turn turn off of her. She's got like six phones surrounding around here in a semi circle and she's sweating well. I'll give a shout out a hand. Lame and Gina is gene is the director of the conference offers so bless her heart that she's having kit having to navigate all of that but anyway but yeah it's it's just amazing that bad. This guy suddenly come on the scene in Christian among Christians. Now I know he's huge has been for many years now right as an artist but man suddenly the cushions have taken notice of it. Yeah yeah the whole living for Jesus now yeah thing you know. Obviously he's polarizing. Yeah you know you don't have to be on and social media for very long to discover that I think are at least as of votes conversation and so I've given thought to where I stand in in I'd no doubt I struggle to fight the cynical mindset. Set all the time in anything this included so your first reaction is. Hey yes I do. I believe I'm inscription attests to God can do what he wants you know. He's capable in other words aging the hardest okay hearts but I also know that this dude got Tory is because he's not an idiot and he knows how what People WanNa hear. He knows how to appeal. Audience knows things to say things not say and he has a history of just being off the wall. Bizarre kind of crazy controversial Them to garner publicity and so there's been rector song we were listening to the day. Did you notice the words not crazy. Like Kanye. His town like Kanye. Just not as crazy crazy. That's how the line goes you. Yeah that's what that's a good. A good artist goes into anyway I way that my mind thinking about it but at the same time I can't know that he's he hasn't changed you know and I try. I have to recognize that to anybody. Does Unitl non personally. He's given no indication so far that he had you know that he's lying or that he's just full of it and so I've landed with it personally personally is for me. It's too soon to tell that's where my stance it probably will be for the next year and it also means I'm GonNa Kua Mash out about it that it's important you know I'm not gonNA learn a lesson from that. I'm not going to start promoting. This dude is as the next great Christian influence or that. Everybody should listen to but what good does it do anybody to hop on facebook and like he's probably just yeah. BSN people you know. So I'm just GONNA keep up about well I have some thoughts about it As well and I also WanNa talk about in reference not so much about Connie directly but in that kind of flowing out of that. And because he's brought a couple of things that really highlighting calls and conversations that need to be had add and I think one of those conversations particularly as that you know how much leadership influence should we lend someone or give to someone or are encouraging to have in the Christian world. 00:10:15 - 00:15:08 That's that's a that's a new Christian I mean is that is that why AH conversation. I want to take a break and we'll come back and talk about it but I think that's one thing that I have another thing. Just just how he's raising the bar and it will certainly bring in a different dimension to music and how that I'm wondering how what you think about how that will influence the church. I think it it is probably going to make an impact even the church and in his style of music. I don't know if it's still there. But it was like the top of the charts this Jesus King Allah. I mean people are listening to it. I was I was just riding on the road at Park has stopped at a red alert. Red Light the other night in here. Connie's album being played on the carbon-fiber it's crazy it's a it's gotten so much attention so that's bound to be but I feel like it will trickle down and I wanNA talk about that fair enough. So let's take a break come back in a moment All right we are back with the heart of worship podcast and we're talking about Connie with one World Connie whereas capital with harbor show and that really what this conversation onto Stephen. You were saying that you don't want to judge him too quick. A lot of people have them people already some new him up and he's not you know he's not real will do including including me after work really hard and not up to quick. I think the difference between mean in some some people is I just try not to say much about not at all but my my brain definitely works when I think about it Altea. Did you see the Joel hosting interview that he did did that. Recently I interview. He was at Church Lakewood Church. Yeah Yeah did end this interview. All I know what you're GonNa and say where he says you just create hard all about my ego. Alright it's cringe-worthy greatest artists that God ever created is working for the Lord out in front of how many thousand people yeah and so. That's that's really good stuff. Yeah I've never seen anything like that from a state anyway because I can't say claimed two for one right you know it's actually that stuff lines like that same as that specifically that made me look at him in actually think more so that he might be legitimate because well you think about anybody. That's trying to win a certain crowd or people group and or or constructing their statements in their thoughts accordingly. Say the things that they know you wanna hear. And they're not going to say the things things that they know. You don't want to hear you know that kind of statement is not one. That's going to win him points that no certainly won't it. It hasn't sure And so that's the kind of stuff that makes me think okay. Maybe he's not maybe his agenda not pandering to ooh. Yeah just to say what he has to say de Thought of it like that but yeah it makes sense so little cracks in like that made me okay. Maybe he's just doing what he does. And trying to figure it all out and I know Got In announcing. His conference even talked about a brief conversation. He had with con- yeah he was saying. He's a believer lever. But he's still working on still working on. Yeah which can I guess. Lead US maybe into that into the what you bring up with influencers so okay influenced. Let's go there. What do you what do you what do you think I mean I see isn't influencer? That's the thing. Connie I feel like this rule doesn't apply quite the same. I'm with him because he already. You're not you're not giving him influence. He's a he has had it for a while Wilson and so so that what state is him is for him one way or another but if if there was any new believer that I would give platform to which there are those. I don't think all of them should just don't talk to anybody until you've got five years on your bill till inskeep you know that kind. I've mindset and heart displayed and making a statement like I'm a believer Scott but I'm still trying to figure stuff out which is what Scott said. 00:15:08 - 00:20:03 Connie said to him you know that carrying that kind of heart into even that owes seen interview. He said we've all fallen short. Yeah he did care as if he's still trying to figure things out up there it got glory the third coming kind of thing. Nobody knew that. I think that would go a long way for me. And in wanting a quote new believer of I would have an issue with it if We put him in a position of leadership officially titled Position In a Church urge. Because he's such a new believer I mean. Honestly he doesn't testify about what the Lord has done in your life. They can have gotten saved yesterday now. I wanted on here. They have to say today right so you know that doesn't. That's not being influential in that way. It's just you're just. Yeah just sham guys doing your life and and I I want to be supportive supportive of that. I want to be open minded to that like you said and God can change anybody right. And he's not acting like it seems like he's not acting like every word out of his mouth is Gospel Tree. Know what I've heard from him doesn't sound way. No I haven't heard everything but Yeah I. I listened to his whole album and I don't think everybody has done that but I took time to listen to the whole thing and and and I wanted to. This was back No I don't know a month ago. Probably and maybe the first of November and so here's I wrote something on facebook and I wanna read part of that because I quote from some of his lyrics. I think it's I think it's helpful. I said I just finished listening. Connie's new album. Jesus King I can also just say I enjoyed it and we'll probably listen to more times and a half. I've listened to it since in one of his tracks. He says this is quoting one of his songs. Toll the yeah. Well I'm going on a strike. I've been living for you all of my life now. My thoughts on that when I first heard is I think he just may be serious about that. This album has more references to scripture and is more unapologetically bold in some Christian albums upper his last song simply we says now this is a quote from his last song and this is this this is all the words it lasts on every Nisha bow. Every tongue confess Jesus as Lord Jesus is Lord and then he repeats those same words again. That's I mean that's strong. That's bolt if he comes out later and and and and I don't know that he will he won't but even if he wasn't sincere. You can't retract those words. Those truth that's powerful and it will remember Paul said even if we don't know their motives at least crisis being preached I mean crisis being preached and that is preaching Christ. Tell me I think that's that's powerful to me. Sure no I agree. Yeah so in this. I also I heard the songs and I'll share this. This is another song album toll people. God was my mission. What you've been here? What you be hearing from the Christians? They'll be the first one to judge me make it feel like nobody loves me if they only see. The wrongs never listened to the songs. I wasn't never knew until I knew of a true living. God Shula Somebody pray for me to say I'm changed. You think I'm joking to praise his name. You ask what you smoking. Yes I understand your hesitancy but I have a request did you see. Don't throw away or lay your hands on me. Keep praying for me about that. It goes back to what I was saying about the just a cynical mindset you know I think to be honest I still oh believe it it. It's a naive position to just be when I see people that are posting everything is like look at what it got seven his life. That's probably just because I'm me and again I I tend to be on the cynical side of things but at the same time. The other extreme is no good either to to vote vocally state of on social media. Whatever because he's done he's done this? That can't be true either. I mean look at Look at the Gospel Look at past examples of what got people's lives and so yep a middle ground kind of guy around this one you know and and I mean we don't have to know nobody's looking to us to approve or disapprove but I am curious what you thought. 00:20:03 - 00:25:09 But here's what I summed up in this and this is right after his albums released within within a few days after surly so I said so I have an idea. Why don't we give Khania chance? Why don't we intercede for him? In prayer I mean you ask. He said Keep Bryant we. Why don't we do that rather than ridicule him when we pray for him? Yeah God can change. Anyone WanNa do what Kinda asks us. Pray for him and I really think that's where I WANNA be. I won't people to be that way toward me and I won't be that way toward him. So so you know I th- I think that's that's good for that conversation. But I still believe that we're responsible to disciple people and be responsible and who we put in leadership in influencing positions within our churches and so but no one suggestion that he that that's happening and that's supposed to be careful not to put him onto high pedestal because ultimately and that's not what he wants I don't think based on what he's saying but it certainly not appropriate. God is the only one that will never let us down. He's only the deserves a glory so we'll just have to keep that mindset right. Yeah absolutely I know you ask what I think thing about the his statement. What was it in the song where he talked about? What do you hear from the Christians? Said what he hears Christians of make you feel like nobody loves me if they only see. The wrongs than ever listened to my songs. And I think the point they don't even know ninety listening summing it up I know earlier you ask what I think about that actually answered that specifically I think it is. It's a sad. What is that just the reality of that that people including all of us me? Anybody can be so quick to jump to conclusions. Yes I think the other side of it though is is honest. Some people don't want it to be true for you know for someone like that. But Grace God's grace it is ridiculous it's not just the people who've committed a minor wrongs. You know the little things that are that are within reach redemption. Is People People. Have you know the murderers the rapists the worst. The worst you know and I know Connie is none of those thanks. But he's still he's a guy that spent his career promoting a not very morally. I gotta be honest. I've never I've never listen to music. Never before this. I'm one of those this he's got. My attention is a Christian. I'm a Christian taken notice of Kanye West now like so many. Let me tell you what happened when I was I. Listen to his album houses on spotify and I don't know if you guys listen to spotify you know that once it's played the album it'll go to other songs like it and that's what happened. I don't know my bad. Have Setting set up right. I don't know but it went from. Jesus Lord Jesus Lord too. I can't even repeat what it said on the next song and it was one of his former songs right. It's one of the songs written in the past and the words were it was risque. It was bad and I'm glad I didn't have my family in the car. You guys are gonNA car or somebody else lives. Think think of I thought. Why are you listening to that? I didn't mean to you just came up on spotify as a Kanye west the artists and that that's that demonstrates the the the the huge difference between then and now John Newton wrote amazing grace in fact straight was he the one that was a slave. Captain Shit yes so hello. I'm only assuming this is a true story because I heard it taught from a stage conference or if it's it's raw blame that guy no me either way it's a it's a crazy story and I think the value of still holds So he was he worked. A slave ship ended up getting saved writing the song. Amazing grace you know. And I I think the presumption then is that his life was turned around. He realized what he was doing was wrong. He turned from that. Never did it again. But what this guy at this conference brought up was that the reality is John. Newton continued for years. I think five seven years or something like that was what this guy said as Working the slave ship after Christ in writing a song called amazing grace. 00:25:10 - 00:30:00 I've heard that yeah and man that says so much now I do believe eventually his heart was changed and he realized that you know what he was doing was wrong. I'm reading in here and it's supporting what you're saying. Okay it says Newton took. I'm sorry Newton did not radically change his ways at once told her eye formation was more gradual. Yeah Yeah Yeah interesting and it is interesting. Because it's it's the it's the hey. This guy says a believer but then he gets up and says the greatest artists guys is ever created is working for the Lord in other words we should be more show with that. Always fake like you. Can't you know that comedian by looked at me or anybody else at a given moment they might say we're not a believer either based on that list so good and thus good so when I say it's sad like that he would put that. You know that that lyric in the song holds weight the it is true. I think it's just it said that the state it in general that we're in his people I'm not not point out the one individuals you know because I think we're all guilty of of judging someone somewhere at some point it might have been it was somebody else and so. I think it's always just collectively together reminding ourselves. Hey It's God judges heart. We know that it's our responsibility to love to build up and Apprai- man Yeah depre- undervalue the value that so hardcore. Yeah but don't you WanNa Phillix. People are praying for you. I mean in your imperfections. Yeah I'm wondering I wanNA feel like people are interceding for me. And that's what in that. That's what he's asking for. And that song is really powerful is a very simple transparent song. We'll pray for me. Yeah don't talk about me. Pray for me. I think we all need to learn from that. So here's the only other question that I want to talk about today in that that brings that out. What about all the the the songs that are big Choir Songs Gospel Choir songs? What about that? I mean but people don't listen that kind of music but they are now now. They're listening to Connie's album and they're in these. Big Costs requires have you. Did you see the Did you see the on the plane when the choir was on the plane with me basically rented out a whole plane or who knows what the plane I don't know but Yeah matter both airlines but anyway but but but they're on the the plane and they're singing different songs and it's an interview was James Corden. Yes did you see that. Yeah that was so good win. Okay so my question is and I read this somewhere. Maybe they're onto something. Someone was saying in an article that they believe that that could influence big choirs again in churches. Because you know a lot of churches choirs have kind of been downplayed and they're not as popular anymore and in this orkla reading was saying through con. We may bring them back. We think about that. It's too early to tell but I mean it's the thought to yeah. You know it's funny. That's that's just not a world that you live in that I live in. Yeah so kind of do. I'm curious my mile. I wonder has kind of been around anyway. Though unlike the Gospel and Gospel they they always have been Kirk Franklin and others have always kept him strong. Yes I'm saying now. Now he's brought it mainstream my point right I mean it certainly could yeah. I guess that's the way that works in John Right to the forefront but it could it's interesting ensure it certainly making a choir choir sound of Dolly more accessible to people because they're wearing it but also maybe more popular obviously. It's it's one thing to hear a big choir sound like that and then to achieve talking to forget who it was said. Yeah but not as anybody has his level of talent and they're quiet. Well Okay I give you that Eh. But I think the big coral sound whether they're singing in parts or seniors and the point is the choirs always been around it was. It's an old testament idea. The choir has always been around. It was it was in the Old Testament Asaf led the choir and he didn't lead a trio he led a choir and so it is a biblical idea. And I'm so glad to see someone like Connie bringing emphasis today again. I just wanted to make that point. Because I'm acquire guy I love choir. Always have it put it in the right context they're powerful way to involve other people in your church and let the people have a part in the leading of worship. Yeah good choirs are are beautiful. 00:30:01 - 00:35:08 I noticed what you said Johnny. Guar me Yeah Well Hey there's been grid I wanNA come back and take a break and then in a few moments and we'll come back and talk about what we're learning speaking of learning. I want to talk about coaching for a moment. I do three phases of coaching each year. And the first phase will. We'll ask started in January online we'll have multiple countries of people. Involved there's a worship leader pastures. These are church leaders. These are people just want to grow always leaders and it's really cool. It's one of the most fun things that I get to do. And so we'll we'll talk about personal leadership that's what we're really emphasizing. In the in this first phase in January which is the influence phases to someone at work in our own selves time management. I could talk about last week. Some of that kind of stuff. We'll talk about how to deal with difficult people around us and how we can be you know an instrument of change in their lives and so or at least how you know what to do to help those situations how to get along really in work well with our with others in our team on our staff. Okay so that sort of thing. It's called online. Coaching Worship Leader Coaching in. It's not just for worship leaders but it's primarily for them so if you guys are interested in that if you no someone that maybe somebody church that you think needs to be part of that somebody that's on the worship leadership team. Hey Cinema Way. Next level worship DOT COM and Click on the training tab. You'll see coaching and look at you. Guys get involved with that. You can apply and that will be signing up and and we are signing up people now and we'll start that middle of January somewhere to make mention of that next level worship dot com the train. So we'll take a break and we'll come back and talk about what what we're learning. I think you've got a book her you're going to read a little bit from From and talk about CEO Lewis. I've got a book as well. Come back and talk about that all right. We are back talking now about some things that we are learning last week. We talk in your Tattoo. Yeah that was pretty today. We're going to cover another one another tattoo. Your mom will not be happening. It's it's my mom and just so in case you guys all know Steven. He's my son so so anyway you hear some of that sometimes come out when our family talk and his mom is not real happy with his tattoos but she she she likes it she likes it. That's what she's you keep telling yourself you keep it honest with a self. Keep telling you but I will say that at starbucks today. A Guy I total strangers just walked up. What does that Tattoo me? I gotta say that was cool moment some guy from la or something. Yeah he just wanted to know and you got to Winston. What is to him? It was very cool. I'll sit there and watched it. I loved it. Yeah so I'm not motivated to get a tattoo because of it but I'm just saying that was cool. Did you tell your mom that'll make better. I usually likes it already. The whatever okay all right so so i WanNa talk about what I've been reading recently. We've done a some choice. Resource Awards awards next level worship has come out with those and you can go to our website and check them out twelve different resources. Some books are music. Some are online the courses that you can check out. These are things that we believe are really valuable. An excellent and good worship the allergy very excited about the choice resource awards but one of those is a book by Mike Harland. It's a book called Worship Essentials and I'm not GonNa get into all the details that I won't tell you to go read the book but it's really really good. Especially if you are a worship leader or a pastor now realized that everybody listening is one of those but maybe the Lord may call all you to be that one day down the road or just as a good church member that wants to support his passer passer and leaders. This'll be a good book for you. Mike. Carlin wrote it. And we've got an interview. I did hour long interview with Mike. Akai went up to his office in Nashville in an interview with him. And it's a great interview. He did a got a job to explain the book. But what I WANNA point out to you is that he's got four four parts to this book and again I won't get into the details tales of what what all these are but the first thing he says and he impacts it in the book is called till the story so the First Section about telling the story. 00:35:08 - 00:40:05 And here's what he said Stephen Authors. There's really good. He said you can't tell a story that you don't have I think he's got a good point he said so when you're leading others in worship leading them to worship God you need to have a story of your own what do you think about that. You gotTa have a reason to leave. Then you gotta understand what you're leading wire leading them in what you're talking about. Would you agree. Yeah Yeah I mean you could get up into sing the song and his mouth words come out. But what about if he knew at the song would that mean more. I'm sure the NFC idea it's like telling somebody he uses A. I don't know if he uses this'll choice and this may be minute but he talked about this in the interview. We talked about it together. It's like telling somebody about a great restaurant but you've never been to that restaurant it's like it's like listening to somebody interviewed about parenting and they have no kids. They've never parented. They've never been to the restaurant. They have no experience. But they're talking about. Do you want someone leading you in worship this not experiencing worship. That's his point in the first part of the book you gotTa tell a story and first first of all you gotTa have a story. Yeah Okay and then you got to communicate that story well and and I WANNA get into this in a different con. Different podcast outcast. I WanNa talk about leading and influencing people engaging people from the platform. That's a different conversation. But that's what he gets into in the first part of this book telling the story communicated way that's interesting and engaging and so and so and then the second one is is make disciples and this is what I love this book and I love what might extend so much and am not learning. This is I'm being reminded of it. And I'm being encouraged by but this somehow I love that our minister has been trying to do for longtime as make disciples through through worship and and and so it's not just waiting for the teachers or the Smog Margaret leaders to do it. We all have a responsibility to help other people grow. And that's what that's what he talks about in there. So that was very encouraging to see make disciples whatever role you play. If you're the nursery workers you can you can encourage an an and some influence the parents parents and the and the teachers around you you can make an impact and and your ministry can help make disciples okay. Then the third one is engaged the body so he said and I wanna hear what you think to this but he said it's not enough just to sing to them. You want to engage them. You don't WanNa just stand up and Sing Adam. You want them to get in gauged as well. Yes I think. That's this great this leadership. Yep It definitely is and and And the fact is they're going to be engaged by something if it's not you it'll be their cell phones or it'll what they've got going on tomorrow tomorrow or it'll be nice for sure you know. The Dude looks funny on the front row. Yeah I think that's super important plus it's just a it's it just shows the unification of the body. That's what I love about being worship leader under about more than anything. You know. Grounded in faith with a bunch of people. You know it encourages me does. And so I think that's total diverse in thanks psalm. Thirty six says o taste and see the Lord's good idea if you've gone to that great restaurant. Don't you WanNa go tell people about that. Great restaurant of course if we if we've tasted the Lord is so to speak and in our personal tom in our daily time and we've got to know him fall in love with him. We want others to do that too. We don't want them just to set up there and watch us saying we want them to experience. His goodness experiences grace experienced the the words in the meaning of the words were singing. And I think that's the point of this book and it certainly when I believe engage the body. Don't just let them be spectators. Yeah Okay and then the fourth thing he says is a spire with purpose and say about that today is that this is so important important to not only know the songs are singing are what you're doing in your church but no why you're doing it to snow why I think there's a lot of people don't really know why they're involved with a wide with church An- and participating something stop and think. Why do you do that? And that's what he said. Aspire with purpose have reasons let people know that your purpose is to glorify the Lord yes but also engage people people and all these other things just have purpose and have a system. He talks about a system in that book worship. Essentials says how are you going to accomplish these things know how you're going to have the purpose for it and stick to it and because in the long run it will pay off love that. 00:40:06 - 00:45:09 That's good. Yeah I think purposes so important because often whether it's it's bleeding worshiper music or something totally totally different. Someone will get into something and to a meaning whether it's hobby or career because they like it just because they enjoy it which is good. He's me you should enjoy joy it but if that is the reason the problem comes into play because inevitably one day you're gonNA wake up and you're gonNA hate it this. Is that all of this where you're going with this. But it reminds me of when he said it. You said you watched a shark tank and you saw a gallon. There that that that was that was that he was he was trying that show. Oh was is one where people bring them ideas and try to get them invest in their business ideas there and this guy brought a very unusual entrepreneurs walking in front of four four or five investors like big time invested right. And you remember what you told me though the guy yes. Yeah so this guy is. I have no idea what was in that guys head when he started that company or want so no. That doesn't relate to what I'm talking about. Oh yes he does. No wait a minute because you said is that. He said his wife working fulltime. Because somebody asked him how you support me it was that though. So that's why brought it up because he's he literally walks in and puts these awful smelling canes wants most vacant his whole his whole deal was was like was like I was about getting married now wife but she hated the way. My apartment's bill so it was like I gotta make it smell good but I wanted to still be manly. You know so. He's got Kamalia Campfire one. That smells like one. Smells like Bacon and then one. It was like a joke. Granted he knew it was stupid. But it's Molly Fart. He brings is this in and I mean the the design of the logo and the stuff at all it like something you'd see in the kids section. Yeah but anyway he was is They ask him investors ask him. How do you support yourself on this? And he's like well. My wife Works full-time made one of them. said the point is just. Call that out like your wife works full-time while you pour four candles. Yeah all day long. And it's just I can. He's gotten somewhere not company because he's on it so we're not picking on him but the point that I'm trying to make up well if you're listening the FARC. Oh my God so what. I'm trying to make it is is is your purpose worthy of your time and investment. Because that's what guys giving a lot of time. Yeah I just think I think on the days when you wake up and you hate it if there's no deeper motive if deeper grounding then you tend to fall by the wayside don't we have of all people in the world don't we have the greatest purpose of all and that's to ultimately are again. The heart of worship Russian is to is to live a life of worship that encourages others to one or two and a great purpose of also. So so you know I was thinking about this too so that they get really like maybe the rest of us just kind of tired. Sometimes you know you can go to be discouraged. You know if you're trying to lead are the people who were going to get it. Are They GonNa follow you know do they. Are we going to be able to Iraq right. Now we're trying to raise money for the end of the year in our ministry organization. We're trying to raise funds for big for next year and you just wonder if we're GONNA be able to do that or people are GonNa get it. They GonNA support you all these questions and it can be very discouraging and what. I was reminded of his something. Paul said he said. Don't be don't don't be weary and well doing for. In time and time you will reap a harvest. If you don't give up powerful Eddie. If you don't quit don't quit just know why you doing. And that's purpose that I think going back to the book worship essentials this what he's talking about spar with purpose know Y. You're doing what you do and do it with all your mind even when you get tired sometimes you just got to remind yourself. There's a deeper purpose absolutely absolutely not making those kind of cans. It's not doing what that guy was. It's something that's GonNa make an impact on the world and this is going to bring hope and help to people. Yeah right and that's the heart of worship so that's what I'm on if I'm learning it as much being reminded about a Ha- poop. Yeah Yeah so have enjoyed the conversation. I think we're good with that though right for now. So we'll be back next week talking about stuff going on in the world So th that's the format though we talk about a topic of current event Talk about what we're learning and nothing to do with your share among ourselves. 00:45:09 - 00:47:12 PAIR QUEST QUEST and I'll go and say now if you've got something you want us to to to talk about on on on this show let us now. There's something that's that's kind of bugging you or you're just curious about you just WanNa hear conversation about right. Just just send an email we talk. We sent an email office for set up worship DOT com. Send in what you'd like to talk about. We'll do it or we'll try to try to address who may not know the answers if not mobile and get somebody involved. That can be a guest on here and help us with those. And if there's a something so I wish you'd pray with me about you know we're not we're not trying to be pastors to you so to speak. You got a local church. Hopefully that does that but we would love to know not that we shared online. So we can pray for you show. And I've got a prayer request and that's the end of the year forgiving campaign for Ministry Organization Just I wish you guys with us about that because we've got we've got a raise some funds. I mean that you know we're not desperate. Thank the Lord but we need like we've got two big mission trips for example well actually three coming up next year one. Is the United States dates in the Midwest and then to international and they cost money. I mean does it. So how are ministries. A nonprofit father ONC- he's very ministry and we rely on the support people and so that's a prayer request. What about you got one putting you on spot? Newark new album that our talent Sure the new album just everything. Everything's moving forward with With the idea absurd you talked a lot about it Mike and another thing. Yeah definitely a lot. Thanks guys for listening and We will be back next next week. Thanks for the time.